
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Adopting a Child with Special Needs

November is Orphan Awareness Month.
So I will be posting a lot about adoption and orphan care this month.

As many of you know we have chosen to adopt a child with special needs- 
this is a great short film talking more about that.

Here are some great articles explaining why there are so many special needs adoptions coming out of China.

When a family goes this route, they are able to tell their agency which needs they are open to, what they are comfortable with and what they feel their family is able to handle.  A lot of research through reading and talking to other families went into our decision about what needs we would be open to.
If any of you have any questions for us regarding this topic, please ask!  We are always happy to talk about adoption and specifically our personal journey.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Love Without Boundaries- "What is Adoption?" {I cried at the end}

I have cried about a million times these past few weeks... it's been an emotional time.
I thought I'd be excited during the wait for a referral(and I am) but it's just really... hard.
And I hear the 4-6 months after the referral while you are waiting for the go ahead to travel is THE WORST- because you have "met" your child and she is yours, but you have to just do a lot more waiting- knowing she is still waiting for us to come get her.  
They say adoption is not for the faint of heart... that is so true.  But it will all be worth it in the end.  She is worth the wait, worth the endless paperwork, worth the expense, worth the tears.
Because every child is beautiful and special- every child deserves a family.

I’m only one. But still, I am one.
I cannot do everything, but still, I can do something.
And because I cannot do everything,
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
– Edward Everett Hale

Monday, November 4, 2013

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Today is Orphan Sunday{11.3.13}

"Do you want to do something beautiful?  There is a person that needs you.  This is your chance."
-Mother Teresa

We had a wonderful afternoon at the local Orphan Sunday event here in Fargo.  I just wish everyone I know and more could have been there... it was so special and wonderful.  We met several amazing adoptive families and talked to more that are waiting just like us.  It would be so great if many more from the community could come to hear the stories and learn about ways that everyone can do small or big things to support orphan care in the world.  Anyway, we are happy that we could be there and are so grateful for all the beautiful families that are becoming a part of our life through our adoption journey this year. Here are some links to the news broadcasts from the event: