This past Saturday we head to Matt and Katie's house to celebrate Becky's 30
th birthday...

Paul and Bobbie were able to come from Minneapolis too- as always, it was great to see them!

The kids had a wonderful time- they love playing with their cousins any chance they can get.

Jenny made Becky a vest out of duct tape?!?!?! Jeffrey had to try it on. I think it looks great with his Davey Crockett hat.

Jenny is always so creative...
Legos seem to be the go-to toy lately with all the boys. I love
legos too-
except I vacuum them up a lot on accident. :(

Smiley Isaac- so sweet!

Thanks for hosting everyone at your house Katie! You have way more energy than I ever did at 8 months pregnant! We are so excited to meet the new babe!

Mary Beth got early birthday presents from the Brooks. Thanks again guys- she loves them!

Quite, sweet, little Annie. I love playing with you and Mary Beth- it's so cute with your little strollers and babies! You're going to be a great big sister Annie!

So pretty! You sure love
girly-girl stuff now: jewelry, purses, gloves, hats, babies, bows,

Mickey wearing the hat I "made" for him out of a girl's hat.
shhhh.... don't tell him that!

I never got a picture of the birthday girl's face! Sorry Becky! But here you are- Happy 30
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