PS: In case you haven't noticed yet- she hearts headbands.
Friday, April 30, 2010
this moment
a friday ritual (inspired by soulemama) a single photo capturing a moment from the week. a simple, special, extraordinary moment. a moment to pause, savor and remember. if you're inspired to do the same, share a link to your 'moment' in the comments!
Mary Beth's last time having "share bag" in her preschool career. sniff sniff... Contents: Suzie in her new yellow dress, a white zhu zhu pet dressed in a tutu and a tiara, and in honor of letter X week: a real x-ray of her abdomen. Bet the teachers didn't think we could successfully pull of a show and tell that starts with an X!
PS: In case you haven't noticed yet- she hearts headbands.
PS: In case you haven't noticed yet- she hearts headbands.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Shia's home!
Last week Shia and his family found out that he was very sick and need surgery this past Monday in St. Paul. The surgery went great but Jeffrey and Mickey were VERY worried about him. Jeffrey cried for days and even had to go see the school counsler one day because he was so upset. Today Shia came home and we all walked down to his house to welcome him back. He looked and acted just the same as he did before so the boys say they feel better now. :) We all prayed very hard for Shia and we are SO happy that he is home and doing well.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
the haircut part 2
Ok, here it is. If it doesn't seem extremely short to anyone go back and look at yesterday's pictures. Keep in mind that it used to TOUCH HER BOTTOM in the back. She loves it, it's so much healthier, it now takes John 2 seconds to comb through it, and it will be easier and cooler for the summer. But I'm still sad.

Hard to tell here but it is REALLY uneven. The right side is way longer than the left- I'm going to have to fix it after I'm over being traumatized from the last hair-cutting escapade.
She saw a picture of herself at the age of 2 with these "piggies" and now it's the only way she wants to wear her hair everyday. :)
The boys had their last CCD class of the year tonight- a big ice cream party with games and what not. They had the time of their life and came home with chocolate all over their faces.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
a haircut
So the other day I asked Mary Beth if I could give her a haircut and she said yes. We talked about maybe taking off a few inches to make it healthier and easier to comb. I placed the supplies on the table next to her and ran inside to get a spray bottle of water....
Here is the before picture(from the back) and in the front... we have...
Mary Beth's attempt to begin the haircutting process! It doesn't look as bad as it was because she is slouching and tilting her head but she took a lot off!!!! I screamed(of course) and started hyperventilating. Her hair, her hair, HER HAIR!! Mary Beth is known for her crazy long hair! John LOVES her long hair(even though he's the one who combs through it after her showers/baths while she screams and cries).
Monday, April 26, 2010
a Chuck E Cheese birthday
On April 10th the Websters and Jenny and Paul met us at Chuck E. Cheese to celebrate Mary Beth's birthday... I totally forgot to post the pictures until now!
As usual, the pizza was questionable and the germs were plentiful but the kids had a BLAST and that's what's important. (I repeat this in my head over and over while I'm there.)
She's probably wishing for more tokens.
The Webster kids just 1 week before their baby brother arrived... they are so adorable! Boy, Annie is really going to be spoiled now with all those brothers! At least she has Mary Beth and vise versa.
Paul took a picture so I could be in it for once. It's so weird seeing myself in a photo. It reminds me why I don't like it. Ugh.
Little sweetheart. She's always so happy and quiet. I've never heard her cry or whine. Ever.
Jacob loved this game.
Jeffrey and Jacob look like they are brothers- always have. It's uncanny.
Jeffrey deligently spent lots of time hoisting Annie up into the tunnels and then traveled with her through them and then down the slides. Over and over. Mary Beth and Jacob helped too. It was so cute and they all loved it. Jeffrey is such a good helper and patient with little ones. He always tells me he's practicing for when he is a daddy. :) He is going to make a WONDERFUL daddy- just like John. John's sisters told me that when he was young and someone would ask him what he wanted to be when he grew up he said "A Dad." :) I love that. And him. He's the best dad in the world.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
road to nowhere
Watch this clip for the film Race to Nowhere, a moving glimpse of the pressures of childhood today.
Friday, April 23, 2010
this moment
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Seth Matthew Webster
I meant to get this posted last night but John and I were up till 11 making 80 zillion paper beads for Jeffrey's school project(grrrrr....) and then I totally forgot to blog!
Anyway- John's sister Katie had their baby on Monday afternoon and here he is! What a cutie! I think he looks like his brother Isaac. Guess this means 1 more try for a sister for Annie, huh Katie?!?!?! :) Best wishes to the baby and family- we are so excited to come and meet him!
Here's his stats:
4:34 PM
8 lbs 9 oz
21.00 in
4:34 PM
8 lbs 9 oz
21.00 in
Monday, April 19, 2010
goats and worms
Fun day... happy memories.
Hope next Saturday is fun too!
Thursday, April 15, 2010
feeling crafty
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