First off let me explain why I took a picture of the meatballs: they are reason number 4? how I ruined Christmas. I mixed 1lb hamburger and 1lb pork sausage like usual... the store was out of
Italian sausage so I told John to get the regular pork sausage. Well- apparently it was a maple breakfast sausage because the meatballs and then the sauce and then the lasagna(all of which took me all day to prepare) tasted like maple syrup!!! The kitchen smelled like Sunday morning breakfast. When we sat down to supper Mickey took one bite of his meatball(always his favorite food) and said "my meatball tastes like syrup"- mind you I hadn't said anything to him about it.
So there's the proof.

We also made a second batch of our favorite m&m cookies since the last batch was gone and Santa needed some!


Christmas pictures after church...

I love these pictures.

And the munchkins in them!

Our Jimmy Dean lasagna and meatball supper.

Everyone ate it though. Thank goodness we didn't have company over!
That would have been so

Every Christmas Eve the kids get to open 1 present. It's always new jammies.
Same as when I was little.

This year I got matching ones- aren't they precious?

Cookies, milk, celery & an apple(for the reindeer of course!) and a note to Santa telling him they love him. :)
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