The boys and some of their friends were going to join The Series of Unfortunate Events book club at the Fargo Public Library and to kick it off everyone got to attend a fun activity night. We brought Mary Beth and Emma, even though they were too young to join the club, so they could join in the fun at least for the party!
Have you read these books? Or heard of them? We have owned them for many years and Mickey read one of them awhile back but refused to read any more. He said they were too sad and depressing.
He is maintaining this stance but we said he could just go to the meetings anyway. I'm not going to force him to read something that makes him feel depressed for pete's sake!

Here are some pictures of the scavenger hunt. No one in our crew won a prize(I hate timed activities- don't you??) but they weren't too disappointed because it ended up being a can of tomato sauce. Ha!

The punch had a bunch of plastic mice floating in it... I hurried up and snapped this picture before they were all gone.
These were powdered donut holes with gummy life savers on top- to look like spooky eyeballs.
The library did such a great job at this party- the kids had a blast!
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