Today was our last full day in Guangzhou. I was so bummed. We were excited to go on to Hong Kong and Disney of course but this was the last leg of the trip where it would really feel like we were in China- since we were staying at a Disney resort. I had grown to love this country and now I felt like it was going by way too fast. I seriously do not want to go home! I especially felt like our time here in Guangzhou was way too short. I actually just kinda wish we could move into The Garden! Wouldn't that be nice? Ruby's VISA would(hopefully) be ready for Elvin to pick up today and that was all that was on our list of things to do: meet him at a certain time in the hotel lobby and get it.
We wanted to walk around some more in the city and look for some small, local shops that weren't touristy. We also needed to go to Walmart and stock up on some more of Ruby's formula and baby food. First we enjoyed another fabulous breakfast and fed the fish afterwards. It is sweltering to eat outside like this but who can resist the beauty of the courtyard while inhaling our favorite spicy, boiling hot noodle soup for breakfast? Apparently we cannot.
Ruby stuck with her congee, eggs, fruit and sweet breads while the big kids devoured plates of dumplings, steamed buns, fruit, and anything else that struck their fancy that morning. We are living it up while we can! Breakfast is going to seem so horrible when we get back home. :(
Don't their facial expressions look the same!?
First stop of the day: Walmart! Some things look the same as a US Walmart but mostly it does not. I took a bunch of pictures to share with you what I mean... 
Yes, those are chicken feet.
Ruby fell dead asleep out of nowhere which she always does. No set naptime since we are all off schedule and spend most of our days on the go. She does great napping where ever we are and we get extra snuggle time with her that way too. :)
sweet girl
I thought this was interesting... hunks of meat just laying out and then you can bag your own! ha!
Back at the hotel later we met up with Elvin, received Ruby's VISA(yay!) and took some pictures with him. We will never forget our guides on this trip, I'm already hoping to come back soon to Elvin again! He has taken excellent care of us and he has the best sense of humor. It was easy to see right away why he is a favorite among all the families with our agency.
Elvin offered to set up a night cruise for us this evening but we decided to pass. We have heard mixed reviews about it and we also needed to get some packing finished and get some good rest for our journey to Hong Kong tomorrow.
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