In the months leading up to our last adoption trip, I spent a lot of time worrying and preparing for travel with a 2 year old. Ruby Mei had only been in our family for 1 year by the time we left for her new brother and she had yet to spend even 5 minutes without Mama or Baba. There was just no way we could not bring her with us unless one of us stayed home too. We decided that we were not comfortable with this option. In hindsight it was the smartest decision we could have made because our new son's transition in China was very difficult and I can't even imagine not having both of us there. But...I digress. :)
I thought I would put together a blog post including all the things we packed for Ruby and also for Junyu in China and on the flight back. Most everything can be bought on Amazon which I LOVE because Amazon means I don't have to drive around town trying to find stuff and wasting precious time. I provided links to the ones that are. I hope some of this helps!
And if you are wondering how the flights and trip turned out for Ruby- it was just fine! All that worry beforehand for nothing. Sure, if I had my choice I would not sign up to fly for a zillion hours cramped on an airplane with the busiest toddler in the planet. But it wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be. She ended up sleeping for a large portion of each leg and played pretty nicely the rest of the time. We had the 3 big kids with us too so they helped entertain her a little bit. Mostly it was Mama and Baba though. She did have a couple crying episodes but they were fast and she was just uncomfortable, cranky and tired. She just did what we all felt like doing- ha!
I purchased this set and then made them into a book of sorts with binder rings. Each pouch contained a different activity. I will list the contents below.
Attach these together with binder rings.
1. One of them had a bunch of stickers that I had bought at Walmart for about a buck a book- they are in the party supply section I think. I can't find a picture of them online. You could always just grab a bunch of random stickers you have around the house too. I got puppies and kittens, Veggie Tales, and Sesame Street.
2. The next pouch contained these:
3. A pill box with 21 compartments.
In a separate travel cube I brought some extra items. I knew 2 year olds have a very short attention span so I wasn't taking any chances. Our flight to Chengdu from San Francisco was 14 hours people. Not cool.
Here is what I put in my back up stash:
EcoKids play-dough -we just brought one of these little containers. Of course you can make your own or just bring regular old Play-do brand. We had 2 of these from a sample box we got in the mail so that's what I used.
Melissa and Doug play-dough tools (we didn't bring these but it would be neat to bring a couple of them to use with the play dough... we just made freestyle shapes). You can also use utensils from the airplane meals.
The Melissa and Doug Water Wow Books These are awesome. They come with a little pen that you fill with water and the images appear once wet. After the pages dry you can do it again!
The Melissa and Doug Splash Cards- Alphabet Same concept as above but these are cards that come with a ring. There are number ones also.
Toy airplane. They make these for all the major airlines. I chose United because that is what we were flying. Ruby thought this was pretty cool and played with it a lot on the plane- and loved showing it to everyone around us. They all thought it was pretty cool too. I wish I had bought 2 of these because our new 6 year old loved it too on the way home and they both wanted to hold it at the same time. It still is a favorite 6 months later at home... they talk about how that plane took us to China and home. :)
Mini music box- Ruby loved this. It comes in many different tunes. I got ours at a local teacher materials store but they have them on Amazon.

A Quiet Book/Busy Book This seller on Etsy has many pages and activities to choose from. And boy, are they adorable. Kids LOVE quiet books. I have so many memories of playing with mine when I was a little girl. I have been working on making Ruby more pages myself but when getting ready for an upcoming adoption trip, it is nice to have the option of just buying them already completed. Time is precious at that point and the months and weeks leading up to the trip go by SO FAST!!
SO Awesome Wallet Cards- you guys... these are truly awesome. There are many options and bundles you can choose from. One of Ruby's favorite pastime is emptying my wallet and looking through everything. When I saw these on IG one day I knew they would be perfect for travel with her. I found one of my old wallets and bought a bundle set of cards along with some money, ect. I packed the wallet full of the cards and accessories. This was a big hit. The quality of these cards are wonderful and they come with the ring to keep them together if you want to go that route. Go check out their site- you will love it!

Melissa and Doug Reusable Sticker Pad (these are kind of large so I packed them in a suitcase to use in China during down times in the hotel).
Melissa and Doug Make a Face - so fun!
Magnetic Fun These come in many themes. I bought this one for our son and he liked it a lot. He still brings it on long car rides.

Window Markers- we used these in our hotel room with our new son and Ruby- they really liked it!
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