EVERYONE go to Target NOW- well probably tomorrow would work- TONS of stuff is at least 50% off and there is super cute new stuff in the dollar section. Here are some of the things I bought that make me smile: colorful straws for the kids(they love straws)- $1, colorful pom poms for their art projects(which they complete about 10 a day)-$1, googly eyes(again-projects)-$1, heart ice cube trays(for making ice cubes and crayons- I'll show you how tomorrow)-$2.50, colorful striped knee-high socks(to cut and make into leg warmers for Mary Beth- I'll show you how when I'm done)-$4.50. The kids were so excited they started projects right away and I was so excited I made a batch of heart crayons right away!
I love you Target, marry me?
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