Here was the temperature this morning when I came downstairs to start making May Day baskets....

And here's what I saw when I looked outside. Are you kidding me? I'm really beginning to think that God is playing a really mean practical joke on Fargo this year. How much more can we take? WHY OH WHY can't winter be over??? AAAUUUGGGHHHH!

Well, as silly as it seemed delivering May Day baskets in the snow- it's something we look forward to every year so we went ahead as planned.

I like coming up with ideas that don't involve candy(much to Jeffrey's dismay- he told me that "kids really expect candy mom") so this year we packaged up some soil, wheat grass seeds, and a cute, colorful bug or frog. The instructions on the back of the tag told the kids to plant their seeds and grow a home for their bug. :) I loved using these cups- the colors make me happy.

The kids had a blast delivering the "baskets" and being chased by their friends. No captures this year! Oh and I know that you are maybe not supposed to put your name on the treat but it drives us crazy guessing who left stuff on our steps so I don't make other people wonder. Is that bad? After the May Day hoopla we went to the library, Arby's, and then to the theater to see Rio. It was super cute. The kids had been DYING to see it and even though the price of a matinee for a family of five gives me a tummy ache we did it anyway. Oh and Jeffrey spotted me a SWEET antique wooden swivel desk chair on someone's curb today- I'm going to paint it and it will be great. Thanks Feffers! I'll be sure to show it soon. I love clean up week!
Hope all of you had a warmer May Day than we did!
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